Cart-Pole screenshot

Cart Pole, life is sometimes disappointing

A while back I came across the “Gym Library”, and noticed they had various games that one could teach AI…
Screenshot of 1969 Lunar Lander

1969 Lunar Lander

Using AI to control the "1969 Lunar Lander" game.

Space Invaders Update

A short posting with an update on the Space Invaders journey.
Space Invaders

Anyone for a game of Space Invaders?

Training AI to play Space Invaders against an authentic version, using an alternative AI approach.

Pong Sees Badly, 4.0

Pong 4.0, an attempt to use a "vision" approach to track the ball.
AI lifeforms gobbling food

Not-so-smart lifeforms

AI experiments on training virtual life forms.
Pong 3 showing 2 bats and ball plus scoe 0-3

A better Pong, 3.0

Creating a more advanced Pong AI that learns as it plays.
ML playing Pong

What’s that Pong?

A tribute to the 1970's, using ML to move a bat in the game of Pong.
Screenshot of AI Flappy Bird

Anyone for Flappy Bird?

Just why? Because I could. Flappy returns with an AI bird brain.
AI missile heading towards target despite wind

You call that a MISSile? I call mine a HITile…

Exploring both AI and non AI approaches to create very accurate missiles.