Not-so-smart lifeforms

Next fun challenge.

Game Rules: Please all assemble in the corners.

That was easy. 50+ generations (seconds later) and the life forms do what I wanted.

The explanation is not difficult. The successful ones have a -/-,-/+,+/-,+/+ X and Y respectively. As long as they do that they end up in the corner (directly or indirectly walking down walls).

Too simple? Yeah, so let’s add some “obstructions” like last time.

This is more complicated, but it found a sweet spot (the method of rotate/speed as outputs), it actually solved this one in 200 or so generations. I would not describe the approach as optimal (it doesn’t go to the closest). Let’s not judge as we never defined “optimal” to the AI. We simply score it for reaching a corner.

No code change for this one.

On page 3, we play an avoidance game.

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