Screenshot of 1969 Lunar Lander

1969 Lunar Lander

Using AI to control the "1969 Lunar Lander" game.

Space Invaders Update

A short posting with an update on the Space Invaders journey.
Space Invaders

Anyone for a game of Space Invaders?

Training AI to play Space Invaders against an authentic version, using an alternative AI approach.

Go park your ship in your own country!

Rudimentary vision recognition used to steer an explosive drone boat into a target.
Bees in a hive

Two bee or not two bee, that is the question

Training bees to collect nectar and returning it to the hive.

Pong Sees Badly, 4.0

Pong 4.0, an attempt to use a "vision" approach to track the ball.
Pixelated arrow Un-pixelated

Pixelation or not?

Can ML remember multiple images within a single network?
AI lifeforms gobbling food

Not-so-smart lifeforms

AI experiments on training virtual life forms.
Go Karts going around a track

Can anyone drive a car and a tank?

Using ML to drive blobs, go-karts and tanks.
Window Form showing AI that learns digits

I recognise that digit!

Is it possible to train AI to recognise font drawn digits with 100% accuracy?