A car dodging potholes

Dodgy driving

Rather than fix potholes, can we train the cars to dodge them?
Pong 3 showing 2 bats and ball plus scoe 0-3

A better Pong, 3.0

Creating a more advanced Pong AI that learns as it plays.
ML playing Pong

What’s that Pong?

A tribute to the 1970's, using ML to move a bat in the game of Pong.
Screenshot of AI Flappy Bird

Anyone for Flappy Bird?

Just why? Because I could. Flappy returns with an AI bird brain.
AI missile heading towards target despite wind

You call that a MISSile? I call mine a HITile…

Exploring both AI and non AI approaches to create very accurate missiles.
Missile Command Screen Shot

War isn’t fun, but this is…

Teaching ML to target inbound missiles for Missile Command.
ML spaceships using thrust vectoring

No Crash Landing Permitted

Using ML to pilot a space craft such that it lands slow enough to avoid killing its virtual occupants.
Sheep being herded

Using sheep because cats won’t herd

Attempting to herd sheep using ML with discussion on sheep behaviour and algorithms.

Count Me In

Training an AI to provide a 7-segment display output based on sum of inputs.
Countdown style board saying vowel consonant

Consonant or Vowel, sounds like Countdown!

I wrote this post not because it’s a difficult task, but one that I wanted to explain properly. Whilst experimenting…